No COVID case in eight Capiz towns 

By Felipe V. Celino 


ROXAS CITY, Capiz— Eight of the 16 towns in Capiz remained free of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Based on data from Provincial Health Office (PHO) released Tuesday morning, the following towns were – Cuartero, Dumarao, Jamindan, Panitan, Pilar, President Roxas, Sapian, and Tapaz.

The province has 36 active cases – 28 are asymptomatic while eight are asymptomatic.

The province has 1,183 confirmed cases including 57 deaths and 1,090 recoveries (92.14 percent of the total tally).

Meanwhile, a 61-year-old man from President Roxas town died after he tested positive for COVID-19.

The patient died while being treated at Roxas Memorial Provincial Hospital (RMPH).

The patient was first confined at Bailan District Hospital when he experienced cough and hard breathing on Dec 17.