PH ML squad Bren Esports wins M2 World Championships in comeback fashion

Presenting, your ML M2 World Champs, Bren Esports! (Screenshot from Youtube/ML: Bang Bang via

By Leobert Julian A. de la Peña


It was the perfect revenge Bren Esports had been targeting after reaching the final stage of the Mobile Legends (ML) M2 World Championships.

Falling to the Burmese Ghouls in a sweep during the playoffs, Bren Esports had to climb their way back from the bottom of the lower bracket to eventually claim supremacy and the title in the prestigious ML tournament.

Bren core KarlTzy was unstoppable throughout the series and did not let the game slip away in Game 7 after picking his marksman main Claude.

It was a scary finals series for Bren after dropping three consecutive matches from game three to five after clinching an early 2-0 lead.

The Burmese shot-calling was splendid and was perfectly-executed after their Yi Sun-Shin main was well fed and helped them stay alive in the series.

However, Bren went back to their comfort heroes and started to snowball at the start of Game 6 pulling the momentum to their side and boosting their play.

Ribo, FlapTzy, Lusty, and Pheww played solidly in Game 7 and babysat KarTzy in taking the red and blue buffs including an insane map control that negated Burmese’s aggressiveness.

“In Game 7, I asked them, ‘You want to prove that we’re not just strong in the Philippines?’ And they said out loud, ‘Yeah!’ I said, ‘Then prove it, we have to win this last game,'” said Bren Esports coach Duckeyyy.