Teen stabbed dead in barangay Christmas party

A policeman checks on a male teenager who was stabbed dead at a Christmas party in Barangay Biak na Bato, La Castellana, Negros Occidental Sunday. (Photo courtesy of Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office)

By Glazyl Y. Masculino

BACOLOD City – Police are preparing the filing of homicide charges against two cousins who allegedly stabbed a 19-year-old boy during a Christmas party at the public plaza of Barangay Biak na Bato, La Castellana, Negros Occidental last Sunday.

Police identified the victim as Jestony Sohot.

Major Nelson Amsiwen Jr., town police chief, said Sohot was attending the barangay Christmas party when he figured in a commotion with the two suspects aged 21 and 34, both residents of Barangay Cabagna-an.

The victim and one of the suspects had an altercation that resulted in a fistfight. This prompted the other suspect to stab the victim in the chest, according to Amsiwen.

Sohot was declared dead in a hospital, while one of the suspects was arrested after the incident, Amsiwen said.

Amsiwen said the other suspect surrendered to the police later that day with the help of the barangay officials.

However, the bladed weapon was not recovered, as one of the suspects alleged that he threw it after the incident, according to the police chief.

Amsiwen said that grudges and drunkenness were the motives of the incident.

Both suspects, whom policemen have yet to name, are detained at the police station.