Home NEWS CAPIZ Capiz jail warden suspended; two guards flunk drug test

Capiz jail warden suspended; two guards flunk drug test

Capiz jail warden suspended;  two guards flunk drug test

By Felipe V Celino

ROXAS CITY, Capiz – Capiz Rehabilitation Center (CRC) provincial jail warden Arjuna Yngcong was suspended for one month after he did not renew the contract of a CRC employee.

According to retired colonel Primo Golingay, Executive Assistant of the Office of the Governor, Yngcong is also facing an administrative charge because of the incident.

Golingay also said that two employees of the provincial jail were found positive for illegal drug use following a surprise random drug test conducted recently.

The CRC has been controversial in the past months following reports that illegal drugs were proliferating inside the jail facilities, which Yngcong denied.