Our daily work should be an expression of love

By Fr. Roy Cimagala

WHEN Christ told his disciples that the Kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea, which collects fish of every kind, after which the good fishes are separated from the bad ones, (cfr. Mt 13,47-53) we are clearly reminded that there is such thing as a general judgment at the end of time. We should just be prepared to make ourselves the good fishes that will be collected by God to be with him in our eternal life.

We have to remember that our earthly life is like a testing ground to see whether we want ourselves to be with God or simply to be by our own selves. Our human nature just cannot remain in the natural level.

The way it is designed by God the Creator, it has to choose either to go supernatural to be with God or to go infranatural, remaining as an animal though with some rationality in it. Just the same, even if the natural man is rational animal, in the end it cannot help but succumb to the erratic ways of our animal instincts, hormones, genetic constitution, etc.

And to be good fishes as we ought, we need to convert our ordinary condition, especially with regard to our work, as the means and occasion to choose to be with God. That can only happen when we make our daily work, whatever it is, as an expression of our love for God and for others, and not just as a means to achieve some worldly goals.

Obviously, that work has to be first of all something objectively acceptable to God. It is something moral in itself, not immoral or sinful.

We need to understand that Christ who spent hours, days and years in the workshop of Nazareth had converted human work from being just a human need and an effect of our sin into a redemptive reality. He has redeemed our human work from its being an effect of our sin.

Our human work plays a key role in our pursuit for identification with Christ. It can be an altar where we offer a sacrifice that gives pleasing worship to God. Indeed, work can be and should be a form of prayer. It should not separate us from God and from others. It should not be a form of self-indulgence.

Our work should be an expression of our love for God and for others that should be carried out not only relying on human and natural means but also and more importantly on the supernatural ways of God. It should bear the mark of divine charity. In other words, it has to be done with the supernatural means, like God’s grace, and not just with our natural powers.

Let’s remember that our work plays a constitutive role in our vocation as children of God. it is a source of our real dignity. We should carry it out in the best way we can. That way, we can already have a feel of heaven while here on earth.

This can take place if we work with faith and piety, since without them, we will not be aware that working with love for God and others can already connect us with our final home in heaven. It’s love that is fueled by faith and piety that does the trick, so to speak.

This is how we can be good fishes God collects at the end of our life and of time to be with him in heaven for all eternity.

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com