The University of San Agustin ably represented by its president, Fr. Frederick C. Comendador, OSA together with the Remi Charlene Salvilla, PhD (Medicine), RPh; Mr. Frank Emboltura (Education), and Engr. Neil Edwin Escalona (Civil Engineering) participated in the 2nd Policy Forum and 6th General Meeting of Tuning Asia-South East (TA-SE) at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
TA-SE is a project of the University of Deusto in Bilbao, Spain. It aimed to implement the Bologna tools in Southeast Asian universities through the building of a framework of comparable and compatible qualifications.
TA-SE is designed to promote regional and international cooperation among universities. The project applies the tuning methodology to three subject areas, namely: Medicine, Civil Engineering and Teacher Education.
The Policy Forum in Bangkok aims to identify international driving forces which urge national governments and Higher Educational Institutions to modernize their existing programs and systems.
The forum provides a venue for discussions on current strategies and direction of future trends in higher education. Likewise, it served as a platform for participants to share their experiences as they work on the project and measures in ensuring the sustainability of the project results.
On the one hand, during the policy forum, Fr. Comendador is the only panelist from Iloilo. There were also representatives from West Visayas State University under the subject area group of education.
Other participating universities from the country were University of San Carlos for teacher education, University of the Philippines Manila for engineering, and Ateneo de Manila for medicine.
The University of San Agustin is the only university that has representatives in all subject area groups among all participating universities in Southeast Asia.
Previous sessions of TA-SE were held at Bilbao, Spain and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (Salvilla/Bangero)