Iloilo City, its traffic officials and TDZ (7.1)

By D’Observer

(The author is a real person who fell in love with Iloilo. He wants to remain anonymous due to some “complications” but still, he raises very valid issues)

In the last few months, there have been several articles about the TDZ (Traffic Discipline Zone) at the Diversion Road and a forthcoming TDZ at McArthur Drive, as traffic congestions in some areas have become ‘unmanageable’.

The results on the TDZ Diversion Road were quite impressive before March 20, the first implementation of the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ), except for some speed violations.

From the beginning of the TDZ until SM City, I didn’t notice any tricycles or pedicabs and the normal traffic was more disciplined. Once Covid-19 took over, it became even better as fewer cars were allowed to be around, at least at the beginning of the first ECQ. However, in general, the speed of cars in the TDZ Diversion Road increased considerably, up to 80 to 100 kph.

This was not only the case in the TDZ Diversion Road but also at the McArthur Drive (National Road # 5), which is still not a TDZ yet and the number of cars was still reduced.

Unexpectedly, the ECQ was extended not only once, but twice. At the beginning of the first extension, some people had to prove that the word “discipline” is not part of their vocabulary. As a result, the Mayor re-implemented the alcohol ban until now.

Meanwhile, we are living in the second extension of the ECQ and the traffic at the McArthur Drive is almost as bad as before the implementation of the ECQ, only the PUJ and taxis are still missing. All the traffic violations, which I have mentioned in my earlier contributions, can be seen again now already, how much more once taxis and PUJs are allowed to drive again.

Motor-bikers seem to believe the McArthur Drive is a racing track, the same goes for drivers of delivery and pick-up trucks and SUVs. The lack of speed limit and road courtesy seems to be the order. Again, the word “discipline” is not part of their vocabulary.

I believe the ECQ will be partially lifted mid-May and then the planned ‘TDZ at the McArthur Drive’ should be implemented, so that people get to know the new reality at the earliest chance because then taxis and PUJs will be also back on the roads and they are the worst violators beside the motor-bikers

I hope that the authorities realize it is imperative to show who is in charge of Iloilo City whatever traffic is concerned. Just by posting signs stating “Observe traffic rules and road courtesy” wasn’t surely not enough and more action by the authorities is required over a lengthy period and NOT JUST SEASONAL. I hope the so-called “TDZ” actions bring the long-overdue change at the McArthur Drive.