“Health Revolution: Leaving behind the Stigma, moving towards Socioeconomic Progress”

ISKONOMIKS is an annual economic convention that tackles various issues faced by the country. Previously, the convention is only open to college students of relevant degree programs. This year, senior high school and college students of any degree or strand will be catered.

It aims to aid young leaders in rational, critical, and effective decision making and planning through expansion of youth’s knowledge on economic tools and ideas.

These will be facilitated through various plenary sessions delivered by various speakers with different areas of expertise and workshops to help participants apply what they learned from each session.


What is ISKONOMIKS 2019?

This year’s theme, “Health Revolution: Leaving behind the Stigma, moving towards Socioeconomic Progress,” will tackle health-related topics that aredeterminants of socioeconomic progress and of the sustainable development goal of good health and well-beingas well as of reduced inequalities.

ISKONOMIKS 2019 pursues to expand knowledge of students on the stigmatization problem in our country to facilitatecritical, rational, and stigma-free decision making in matters of high relevance.

The convention hopes to trigger and build the capacity of the youth tospread knowledge on the adverse consequences of stigmatization and to participate in the policy making process with a critical and rational mindset in community development, nation building, and policy structuring,


ISKONOMIKS 2019 is open for all senior high and college students from public and private schools of any bachelor degrees and/or strand with the desire to expand their knowledge on economics and utilize it in community development, nation building, and policy structuring.


The Organizers

ISKONOMIKS 2019: “Health Revolution: Leaving behind the Stigma, moving towards Socioeconomic Progress” is spearheaded by UPV Oeconomicus. The event unfolds on March 2, 2019 at the Graduate and Continuing Education Building Training Rooms of UPV-Visayas Iloilo City Campus.

It is a duly recognized university-wide organization composed of economics students and faculty members. It aims to inculcate an appreciation for economics and cultivate the knowledge on tools for nation-building and economic development.

Its mission shall be to create and be an avenue for economics students to exercise their skills in expanding and developing the field of economic sciences through research works, discussions, and other opportunities.

The conference commemorates the 27th year anniversary of UPV Oeconomicus in accordance to the organization’s pursuit to foster and maintain camaraderie and academic excellence among its members and to uphold honor and excellence, cultivating young minds of the significance of economics for nation-building and economic development.

Through fostering unity and fellowship among our members, we hope to create an arena of young economists driven to serve the country.

ISKONOMIKS 2019 will allow us to conduct relevant and meaningful activities which will capacitate students in understanding and addressing health issues and their implication on the economy.



This year’s conference will be composed of four sessions/talks encompassing a wide array of topics revolving around the theme: “Health Revolution: Leaving behind the Stigma, moving towards Socioeconomic Progress.”

The sessions/talks are as follows:


Plenary Session 1

“Understanding the Role Health-Related Human Capital Investments play on Socioeconomic Progress”

Human capital plays a crucial role in the economy. Matters of economic growth and decline hinge on human capital through the skill sets and knowledge of the people in managing scarce resources. Education aside, human capital can be improved through health investments and advancements. Linking and understanding the impacts and implications of changes in health conditions of the people through health-related human capital investments on the economy and vice versa are necessary in influencing policy-making process.


Plenary Session 2

“Understanding Stigma on Mental and Adolescent Health as Formidable Barriers to Effective and Equitable Healthcare”

One of the challenging barriers in the provision of effective and equitable healthcare is stigma, a stress that keep individuals from seeking out service to improve their health and eventually save their lives. People who suffer from mental health and reproductive health are often those who are stigmatized. Little policy emphasis given to stigma is attributed to the lack of availability of measurement tools to quantify its scope and impacts. Addressing this could play an important role in increasing access to adolescent health and mental health services.


Plenary Session 3

“The Role of Youth in the Elimination of Stigma”

Youth engagement plays an essential role in promoting health and development of the society. With the technology advancement and the proliferation of Internet users—especially among the youth, there has been an increasing number of youth becoming more involved in spreading health information, and raising social awareness on different health issues. Through education and empowerment of the youth, they can be agents of change by becoming more proactive in eliminating stigma in the society.



For the output of this year’s ISKONOMIKS, participants will be given a health-related situation that they will need to analyze and give possible solutions, utilizing the learnings from the lectures presented. The activity seeks toencourage the involvement of the youth in addressing the problem of stigmatization and discrimination that serve as formidable barriers to socioeconomic progress.

The convention will be a one-day affair composed of four plenary sessions, and a situation analysis contest.


For more updates, visit and like/follow UPV Oeconomicus’ Facebook page and Twitter account through the following links:




For any inquiries, you may contact the following:

  • Ms. Jessa Marie Tacadao

Vice President for External Affairs


  • Ms. Ma. Arianne Kate Paraiso

Vice President for Internal Affairs