More deaths from the vaccine

By Modesto P. Sa-onoy


In the midst of competition for vaccines against the COVID-19 pandemic the number of deaths from the first groups of people who were vaccinated is practically ignored.

The first to be break into the social media involves earlier this month, Dr. Gregory Michael, a “very healthy” 56-year-old obstetrician from Miami, Florida, who died sixteen days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. A Johns Hopkins University expert in blood disorders, asserted the fatality was “a medical certainty that the vaccine was related” with his death.

I had commented on this and also reported the reply of one doctor that the death was “an isolated case.”

Then a report from Norway on January 18 exploded in social media followed by confirmation by the mainstream media that indeed the deaths occurred. President Duterte mentioned this report when he chided some critics who insisted that the Philippines buy the Pfizer vaccine which is responsible for these deaths.

The Norwegian Medicines Agency reported on January 18 that as of January 14, twenty-three people have died within days of receiving the first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, 13 of whom were nursing home patients. Later reports said the total was 29.

“Common adverse reactions to mRNA vaccines, such as fever and nausea, may have contributed to a fatal outcome in some frail patients,” said Sigurd Hortemo, chief physician at NMA.

On the other hand, the New York Post said all of the nursing home patients who died were over 80 years old, and while medical officials are not indicating significant concern, “they are adjusting their guidance on who should receive the vaccine.”

This observation implies that the tests conducted on this vaccine had missed this segment of the population – the elderly – in the effort to fast track the production of the vaccine to be the first in the market and profit the most.

Thus, the NMA confirmed that the “large studies” on the Pfizer/BioNTec vaccine “did not include patients with unstable or acute illness – and included few participants over 85 years of age. In Norway we are now vaccinating the elderly and people in nursing homes with serious underlying diseases, therefore it is expected that deaths close to the time vaccination may occur.”

Now they tell the world but without accepting responsibility for their haste and inadequate tests. But that is not so much the ethical issue as the later explanation.

“Doctors must now carefully consider who should be vaccinated,” stated Steinar Madsen, medical director with the agency. “Those who are very frail and at the very end of life can be vaccinated after an individual assessment.”

Simply said, the manufacturers did not inform the doctors to be cautious in vaccinating the frail and those who are very old.

On New Year’s Day, following her vaccination on December 30th a 41-year-old Portuguese mother and health care worker, died suddenly. The terse report speaks for itself.

LifeSiteNews said that “with regards to the elderly, a report on one nursing home in Auburn, New York, asserts that they had no coronavirus deaths at the facility at all, until seven days after they began administering the vaccine. Over a period of less than two weeks, beginning on December 29, the “24 coronavirus-infected residents at the 300-bed nursing home” had died. This fact did not hit the headlines, another attempt to prevent further erosion of public confidence on the safety of the vaccine.

Indeed, after these reports broke into the public more people are averse to getting a jab.

These reports only confirm the folly of mandating the vaccination of the entire population, sick or not. Two bills bad been filed in Congress, one in the Senate and another in the House authorizing the imposition of a vaccine passport.

This is like the “no mask no entry” mandate as this passport “is required in activities that may include international and domestic travel, access to business establishments and other public places and gatherings.”

This means only those who had been vaccinated can go to church, school, office, work places, markets, malls, meetings or even just take a stroll.

Thus all must be vaccinated including the frail of health and can die from the vaccine.

Is that to save lives or a pretence?