Get rid of them, if possible

By Alex P. Vidal

“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.”—Edmund Burke

WE support the plan of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to make a shorter list of party-list groups participating in the May 2025 elections.

If possible, we must eliminate party-list groups that siphon millions of taxpayers’ money, but their representatives do not actually contribute to the development and enhancement of the sectors they represent in the House of Representatives.

Many party-list solons, in fact, aren’t assets but real and present liabilities in congress.

We know of some party-list solons who are there only for personal whims and caprices and not for the sectors they claim to champion. One of them is from Iloilo who is very active in the social media promoting the junkets this partyl-list solon has been making.

The party-list in the Philippines has been abused excessively and some of the solons inherit the positions from their parents who coined the idea of organizing party-list groups to shortcut their way to congress.


There are party-list congresspeople who have enriched themselves in their first term; they also use their positions to junket abroad and receive astronomical allowances and other unnecessary expenses.

They also lobby for kickbacks and act as “liaisons” of corrupt fellow government officials and unscrupulous contractors.

Comelec Chairman George Garcia said the poll body wants to cut down the number of groups who would be fielding bets in the party-list system to around 130 starting in next year’s elections.

A total of 177 party-list organizations participated in the May 2022 polls.

“Hopefully, we can reduce the number of party-list groups to just around 130… so that it will really be representative of the truly marginalized and underrepresented,” Garcia was quoted in the Philippine press.

Kudos and please expedite the chopping blocks.


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(The author, who is now based in New York City, used to be the editor of two daily newspapers in Iloilo.—Ed)


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