Virtual FGD set to evaluate existing status of MSMEs amid pandemic

The delivery of technology services of the Department of Science and Technology Region VI (DOST VI) continues amid the COVID-19 health crisis.


The implementation of the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) is maintained being a nationwide strategy to address the needs and requirements of the MSMEs.  Under the SETUP 2.0 framework, implementation of industry and firm-level S&T solutions for identified sectors/commodities should be guided by strategic roadmaps.  In the preparation of the roadmap, DOST VI will prepare a Regional Situationer Report to gather significant insights such as opinions and preferences of key players of the industry about important issues concerning the sector/commodity.


The use of the virtual FGD as a tool will provide an in-depth situational analysis of the sector’s level of science and technology utilization or adoption, involvement and partnerships in research and development, government support system, policy environment, gaps and challenges as well as insightful opportunities that may affect its competitiveness in the ASEAN and global market.  Also, in light of the recent pandemic, the FGD assessed how the sectors were affected and how they dealt with the situation driven by their internal initiatives and external support obtained from other parties (government and non-government-related).


Each Provincial S&T Centers of DOST VI are assigned with specific priority sectors to focus on.  The virtual FGD is designed to evaluate and describe the existing status of the assigned industries/sectors.  Virtual FGDs were conducted from June 16 to 18, 2020 covering the different sectors – agriculture, forestry, and livestock, marine and aquaculture (mollusk), manufacturing of furniture, jewelry, GHD, and creatives (natural fibers and garments, and Personal Protective Equipment), agri-machinery, farm implements, food processing and equipment, shipbuilding, and health and wellness.


The activity was able to gather 61 attendees from the client-MSMEs in Western Visayas.  As the FGDs were supposed to be conducted face to face, considering the pandemic, online meeting platforms were utilized to bring S&T services closer to the people. | SSalazar/DOST VI